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Rock & Roll Baby, Part II

Thursday, May. 11, 2006
1:30 PM

Good grief, where does the time go? I can't believe it's mid-May already. Crown is over, my sister's wedding is next weekend and Sapphire is just around the corner. Yikes. I didn't realize it had been over three weeks since I'd posted an entry - it's been an accomplishment just reading all my email. Days go by so fast, when they're broken up into naps, feeding time and play time. I turn around and the next thing I know it's five o'clock and Daddy's home and it's time for dinner and zzzzzz....

Anyway, not that anybody wants to hear about the routine of life with an infant. We had a great weekend, once we got through the rain and traffic. Had a ball staying with Rich and Genie, as always. Crown was nice but uninspiring for me - I was glad the weather was so nice, but I stayed under shade all day to avoid getting Tommy sunburned. Didn't see much of the tourney at all, but am pleased at the outcome. Tommy was a bit of a fussypants but he's been going through a growth spurt so that's not much of a surprise. I think he is through the worst of it now as his eating and sleeping is back to more of a schedule and he is much more smiley.

More proof that Tommy digs the rock n' roll: Rich was showing us the Guitar Hero game (Xbox? PS2? not sure), which is pretty much like Dance Dance Revolution, except with a cute little guitar, and you have to hit all the notes at the right times. As the various rock songs poured forth, Tommy, lying on his changing mat, started totally rocking out. He kicked his legs and flailed his arms and wiggled like there was no tomorrow. He was watching Rich the whole time. It was truly hilarious. I wish I'd captured it on video.

Oh no! They say he's got to go
Go go Godzilla!
Oh no! There goes Tokyo!
Go go Godzilla!

Yes sir, Tommy loves him some Blue Oyster Cult.
