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Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2005
12:33 PM

While this week has not been as crappy for me as it has been for others, I got some bad news last night. My mom called to tell me that my grandmother fell and broke her hip Monday night. She is in the hospital and had surgery this morning to place two screws and a plate. She actually broke the top part of her femur, and not the ball and socket of her hip joint, so that at least is more easily treatable, but the bone is shattered, not merely broken in one place. She will have to be in rehabilitation and physical therapy for a while, but she is a trooper and seems to be in good spirits.

I think if anyone can pull through this, my grandmother can, but she's 87 and I'm worried that she won't be able to bounce back from this very well. My mom is supposed to call tonight with an update so hopefully we will know more out the overall outlook then. Please, if you have a spare good thought or healing vibe to send her way, I'd greatly appreciate it.
