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Babywatch '06 Continues...

Sunday, Feb. 05, 2006
11:26 AM

Nope, no baby yet. OK, I'm not technically overdue until Wednesday, but so far, no progress (unless you count more frequent Braxton Hicks as progress, which I'm not sure I do).

I dreamt last night that I had the baby, but they put me out for the delivery so I missed it. For some reason my mom had taken the baby to her house, so we had to go down there to see it. It turned out to be a boy (a beautiful boy!) but I couldn't at first remember the name we had picked out. My mom had made a temporary bed for him on the top of her hutch, with a padding/mattress of blankets and he was all tucked in and sleeping peacefully. I was so thrilled to see him and at the same time weirded out that I couldn't remember giving birth or the reason for him being at my parents' house.

Then in my dream I was upstairs at their house, in bed, when I suddenly remembered that I hadn't yet gotten a chance to breastfeed him, and I didn't know when he had last eaten, so I had to go downstairs to check on him. The really weird part is that I recall physically trying to wake up out of my dream so I could check on my baby. I couldn't wake up, but in my dream I did check on him and he was still sleeping. I guess that's good?

So, as if I wasn't thinking about this enough while I'm awake, now it's taking over while I'm asleep too. I swear I think about other things besides when I'm going to have the baby, but that's about 95% of my brain power. The other 5% breaks out to:
2% - I Have to Pee AGAIN
1.5% - What's For Lunch?
1% - It Will Be Nice Not to Snore Any Longer
.5% - Everything else

Hey, you. You in the uterus. Yes, the one with your foot in my ribs and your head on my bladder. You have until Tuesday to evacuate. If you're not out by the 16th, you will be evicted.

My doctor has scheduled me for an induction on the 16th if I don't go into labor on my own by then. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel; however, it seems very far away.
