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Getting ready for rain

Friday, May. 23, 2003
9:54 AM

Quick entry as I have some stuff to do to get ready for Sapphire. We're mostly ready but I have a couple of last minute errands and tasks. We're going ahead with the camping plan, even though there is the great potential for rain. It sounds like it might not be as bad as originally thought, so we'll have to see. I'm packing lots of extra socks and stuff like that.

Had a lovely time last weekend with Rich and Genie, finishing up the last few things on the chairs and hanging out. We threw Genie a little surprise birthday party, which was fun. I think our living room has a maximum comfort limit of 11 people. If/when we have a bigger party, there's plenty of spillover room in the kitchen and dining room. And when the weather is nice, there's always the deck. Once we get a grill, I'm sure we'll have people over for a BBQ or something.

I should go do my errands. See ya at Sapphire if you're going!

