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It Ain't Garb Until You Bleed On It

Tuesday, Aug. 06, 2002
7:39 PM

So I'm making a new gambeson for Kevin for Pennsic. Yes, I know it's last minute. I've never done one before, and this is certainly... educational. My sewing machine is being cranky and that's making me cranky. First the top thread broke... then the bobbin thread broke... then the needle broke. Sheesh. I have quilted both sleeves and that's taken up a lot of time today. I've still got the body panels to go. I've stuck myself with pins, spilled the box of pins, spilled my soda... into the box of pins. Today has not been my day. Oh yeah, and I did bleed on it, so it's officially garb now.

On top of it all, from preliminary guesses, it looks like the gambeson's going to be too big. Well, better too big than too small, but I was hoping not to have to futz with it once it got quilted. But cutting it down a little shouldn't be too big a deal... right? Well, once it's all said and done, Kevin will have a spiffy new gambeson that's all cotton and should breathe a bit better than his old one, which is made out of trigger.

I'm hoping to finish this by tomorrow night, so that I can spend Thursday morning packing. We're planning to leave sometime on Thursday, but since the pavilion and some of our stuff is already up at Pennsic and set up, we can roll in pretty much whenever we want to and just crash. Oh, big hoorays and thanks to the Land Grab crew (Gen, Alan, Roland, David, Kevin and especially Wendy) for busting ass and setting up camp. You guys rock. =)

I'm sure I won't have time to update again before we leave... so to those of you who are going, see you there. To those of you who aren't, we'll miss you and I hope to see you sometime soon. Coronation maybe?

