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Maybe it's not your problem

Monday, Sept. 12, 2005
10:05 AM

Life rolls along happily. I can't remember being this content with my life in a long time. I've got several good reasons to feel this way, one of which weighs only about 10 oz at this time.

We had our ultrasound on Thursday. We haven't gotten around to scanning the pictures yet, but hopefully will do that in the next day or so. Look for them probably in Kevin's diary. We are waiting until the baby's born to find out the sex, so no big news of that sort. But we are happy enough to have a healthy (and wiggly!) little one, who has a healthy brain, heart, kidneys... all the important stuff. That is really all I care about.

I am really enjoying not working part time any more and being able to concentrate on my mosaics and getting ready for baby. I've been zipping through Gary and Cindy's backsplash and should hopefully have it completed in just a couple of weeks. I'm also working on trivets for Shannon (to compliment the labyrinth Lazy Susan I made for her a couple years ago), which I've been trying to get to for some time now. Feels good to make progress on that.

When I'm not mosaicking, I'm trying to get the house in reasonable shape - I really don't want to bring the baby home to a house full of clutter. Lots of small things needing to be fixed, lots of "stuff" to be organized and put away. I'm not the best housekeeper, but I'd like to have a minimum of baby-proofing to do once the kid is mobile.

And now, for something completely different. I have to get something off my chest here, and hopefully it will make some people pause and think. A lot of folks here on Diaryland have been commenting recently about an incident that Byram wrote about - an Order discussing someone's blog and thoughts therein. My problem here is that the majority of people commenting are not in this Order, and don't know the person who raised concerns, don't know the context of the discussion, really don't know the facts of the situation at all. I feel like most folks have rushed to judgement, assuming that the author of the blog in question is being bashed by the Order as a whole. I can assure you this is not the case - said author is not even being bashed by the person who brought it up. Yes, concerns were raised, but not necessarily without merit. I guess my point is, if you don't know the details, maybe you don't need to comment.

Everyone who keeps an online blog should be fully aware that anyone can read your words, and you might as well be shouting them out in a crowded feast hall. You have every right to vent your spleen in your diary, but don't be surprised if people judge you by your words, or at the very least, change how they view you as a person. I'm pretty much always aware that any random person can read what I write, which is why I rarely write about things that frustrate me or anger me. I don't feel like dealing with the fallout, or giving people the wrong impression - that a moment (or two) of frustration lasts any longer than the time it takes for me to write about it. If you write about issues you have with an Order, or with your path to induction in an Order, don't be surprised if people read it and feel concerned about it. All people can do is take your words at face value, since they may not have an opportunity to discuss it with you in person. Think about what you're writing and how other people are going to read it. If you still have to vent, lock that entry or lock your whole diary - or be prepared to take the consequences.

I guess that's all I had to say.
