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No, seriously

Monday, Aug. 01, 2005
6:32 PM

The past two weeks have involved lots of work, but thankfully the end is in sight. My last day is Friday and I am very happy about that. After Pennsic I will be working on my mosaic business full time to build it up a bit more before the baby comes. So anyone out there who wants mosaic work, let me know!

I had grand plans for my weekend. I was going to get some Pennsic projects out of the way, go shopping for new bras (oy!), hang out with my husband... Instead I spent Thursday night with a stomachache and woke up Friday morning to make a mad dash to the bathroom.

Now, I know, you're all thinking, pregnant woman throwing up? DUH. But no, I'm within shouting distance of the second trimester and haven't had any morning sickness whatsoever. Minor indigestion, sure, but no actual nausea. And even when not pregnant, I never get sick to my stomach. So I'm thinking my (three) bouts of prayers to the porcelain god were the result of something I ate that didn't agree with me or some sort of gastroenteritis bug. I threw up more on Friday than in all the previous 17+ years.

I felt slightly better Saturday but still spent most of the day on the couch or in bed. Sunday started off great but I started feeling icky again after my rigorous cleaning of the kitchen. Thankfully the mint tea I had at a certain three year old's tea party helped immensely.

So the upshot was that I got nothing done this weekend (beside the aforementioned kitchen cleaning). I'm glad I've got all next week to get ready for Pennsic, though I'd hoped to be farther ahead of the curve than I am. Oh well. I'm looking forward to it, especially since we've reserved a hotel room to retreat to when the heat gets to be too much.

Bring it on!
