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It only hurts when I breathe

Friday, Apr. 29, 2005
12:56 PM

Boy, what a cliche, but in my case it's unfortunately true. In addition to, or rather because of, my health issues last week, I now have another one. I have strained the ligaments in my back, causing a stabbing pain in my right side/back/shoulder whenever I move... or breathe. I did not get to sleep until 2 am this morning, and that was only after taking a kick-ass painkiller in desperation (Side effect: May cause drowsiness. I sure as hell hope so!)

Thankfully, this is not something serious and should be easy to treat, sayeth my doctor. I have mega Advil, Tylenol, heat and then the kick-ass painkillers for before bedtime. At least it is not my kidneys, which was my inital (panicked) fear, because that's where the pain started.

So, what's next?
