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Household changes

Tuesday, May. 25, 2004
1:29 PM

I love living in the Town of Herndon. Yeah, OK, so we pay some extra taxes, but they go for stuff that make life better. We have our own police force, for example. Here's another cool thing (that has to be illustrated with a small story): Our blue recycling bin apparently sprouted legs and walked away a few weeks ago, right before the wedding (that's not the cool part). So today, now that it is apparent the bin is not going to be mysteriously returned, I called the Public Works Department to ask how to get a new one. The nice lady asked for my address (I assumed to check that I was actually a Town resident) and then says, "OK, we'll have someone drop one off for you. It probably won't be today, but sometime in the next day or two." How cool is that!! I don't have to go get one, and I don't even have to pay for it. I love my Town.

We're going to paint our house number on the new bin, to hopefully discourage it from wandering away again.

So our household grew this past weekend, as my sweetie took his first protege, Lady Lucia. He's been taking a bit of good-natured ribbing from friends who remember him saying that he'd never do that very thing. I think it's a great step for both of them, and I am looking forward to being in a position to observe their relationship and its impact on their paths. This also gives me stuff to think about for the day when I might take an apprentice.

The ceremony was lovely, though the day was quite hot. The whole event was very laid back, which in some ways was good. Other than doing some judging for A&S, I didn't really have any obligations so we pretty much hung out in the shade all day. I was a little disappointed that of the three items I judged, only one had any documentation. I shouldn't be surprised, but it's so much harder to judge effectively when you don't know what the entrants have done and why. Oh well, at least it didn't take too long.

By the time the fighting was over, I was just about done with the heat so I was happy to pack up. We headed back to the house with Rich, where we all reveled in the lovely air conditioning and nice showers. Then we headed over to Liz's place for her party.

The party was fabu! Lots of nummy snacks, good drinks and great company. Liz certainly knows how to keep her liege lord and his lady happy! But it isn't just the 18-year-old bourbon or the chocolate covered cherries that make me really glad that she (and Mike) are now a part of our household. They are just great people with a lot of energy and huge hearts. I know we can expect great things from them.

I am enjoying my last week of relative freedom. Bosslady has been in Europe for pretty much the whole month. She's coming back this weekend, though, so next week it's back to the salt mines. More money is good though - my paychecks have been a bit slim for the past few weeks. I have to keep reminding myself that there's an upside to this job. I'm trying to get some stuff done on other projects before my time all gets sucked away, though - I need to work on my University handouts, and I'd like to work on some kind of fun sewing project soon too. I could work on something for Kevin, cause he needs some new garb, and his fighting clothes need some attention.

Speaking of needing to work on handouts, I really should get cracking on that.

