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Friday, Apr. 16, 2004
12:18 PM

Don't mind me, I'm just a giant ball o' stress this week. I'll just sit here on the couch while tiny blood vessels burst in my brain.

OK, it's not that bad, really. It just feels like it.

Work has been both bad and not bad. Not bad because Bosslady has either been human or been gone. She actually thanked me for something last week, causing me to look around to see if she was talking to someone else. However, she made me come in on one of my two days off, and I spent five straight hours doing the most mind-numbing task ever devised by mankind. Not the way I'd planned to spend the day.

We are about three weeks out from the wedding and that is stressful in and of itself. Tomorrow is the deadline for RSVPs and I would say I've gotten about 2/3 of a response rate so far. I hope to have a mailbox full in the next couple of days.*

Yesterday Saint Shannon and I spent hours at the mall, of all places. Had to finish out the Sears registry - too bad the entire Sears staff was singularly unhelpful. Shannon took the scanner away from me before I could throw it on the ground and stomp on it. Probably all for the best. Then we spent more hours looking for a slip/underskirt for my wedding dress. Success finally at 7:30 in the evening, at the opposite end of the Nothern VA area. Whew!

My elation at finding the slip was completely undermined by a cranky phone call from my mother. This is all the more unnerving because my mother is generally very laid back and non-cranky. I guess she is feeling stressed too but it was not good timing. Feeling tired and emotionally overstimulated is not a good time to field cranky phone calls from any parental unit.

We're headed down to Lovingston to do some more wedding-related errands and hopefully this will be the last one before the big day. I am hoping Mom will have chilled out by the time we get there, otherwise it could be a short visit. Love the Mom; can't handle drama right now.

Just got a call from my college roommate who I haven't seen in way too long. It was amazing good to hear her voice. Just brightened my whole day. W00T!

Gotta go - off to the wilds of Central VA again.


*If you think that was a hint, it probably was.
