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The Week of Ick

Friday, Mar. 05, 2004
1:36 PM

So lately I only seem to update on Fridays. I guess that's cause I tend to have Fridays off from work so I have more free time. I still have a few things to do to get ready for KASF, but am making progress on the list.

I had a really crappy week this week (segue with me, won't you?). Monday and Tuesday weren't that bad, but Wednesday really, truly sucked. I did a bone-headed thing at work which was preceded and compounded by bone-headed things done by other people. Boss lady got really pissed about it, even though it isn't unfixable. This was after she gave me crap about being late when I was actually on time, so you can imagine what kind of mood I was in as I drove home. Kevin fixed me a great big bourbon and diet Coke that evening, and that's saying something as I rarely drink when I'm stressed.

On top of that I'm battling some kind of gastrointestinal ick and it's really just been peachy the past few days. Seems to be calming down, to my relief on many levels, as we head out this afternoon for the trip to KASF. Hate to complain so much but I haven't had a week like this in a long time.

Look for me this weekend wearing a large, obnoxious Italian hat/hairdo. It'll be fun! (Is it a hat? Is it a hairdo? It's BOTH!)


