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Monday, Mar. 24, 2003
9:26 PM

OK, so it's been a while since I last updated. Yeah, I'm a slacker but we all knew that already. Whenever there's been stuff going on that's worth writing about, I haven't had the time to write, but whenever I have time, there's nothing much going on or I'm not in the mood to sit at the laptop for longer than necessary. Not that life has been bad, exactly - though I've had my moments - actually, there have been some really good times lately.

Friday I got to hang out with my sister and my niece, who is now a month old. Heather's been home with the baby the whole time and is going a little stir-crazy. For a while they thought Cailin had colic but it turned out she wasn't getting enough milk. They put her on formula and poof! Happy baby. She gained a pound in like three days. That doesn't sound like much but when you're only seven pounds to begin that's a big percentage! She was a doll the whole time I was there, no fussing at all. We ran a couple of errands, watched a movie, went for a walk and just sort of hung out all day. It was nice and I know my sister was happy for some adult conversation.

The past three weekends have involved many good friends and tons o' fun. I had a ball this weekend hanging out with Genie during the day on Saturday while the boys beat each other with sticks. Then a bunch of us caravanned down to Richmond for Blackbear's sendoff shindig. Lots of fun folks, wine, Virginia food, donut sundaes, good conversation, funny stories and general cameraderie. Like Kevin, I didn't get much of a chance to chat with Jeremy then but I do hope he has a good trip out to the West Coast and a great time in SF.

We stayed over at Rich & Byron's place Saturday night, stayed up way too late talking and having a good time. We had a nice breakfast Sunday morning with Rich & Genie, avoiding the extremely crowded IHOP and deciding instead on Panera Bread. I had a cinnamon roll the size of my head. More funny stories & good conversation over coffee... I was reluctant to leave our friends but as always I know we will see them again soon.

Kevin and I headed back home Sunday afternoon so I could get back in time to go over to Susan's. We did a sort of welcome-back-spring thing, which was nice but my head wasn't really in it. I'm not sure if it was from the lack of sleep the night before, or other stuff going on in my head, or what. But it was nice to be outside because the weather was gorgeous and we had a nice time. The group is technically a Pagan ritual/study group, though mostly we've been reading different books and discussing them. I don't identify with the Pagan movement as much as I used to but we discuss stuff beyond the typical subjects, like folklore and mythology so there is still stuff I enjoy about it. Sorry, rambling...

Sunday evening was spent pleasantly over at Jason and Shannon's, hanging out and having dinner and then staying up way too late again talking. Good conversation and some food for thought. I love my friends!

I didn't get whole lot done besides a couple of loads of laundry today. Kevin had left his bike over at the Smiths' last night since it was so late when we left, so we went back today so he could get it. Took lunch over to Shannon and hung out for most of the afternoon, making grand plans for cool camp stuff and playing with Regan. I did eventually head home so I could get some work done on the backsplash from hell, but my sister called so I chatted with her for a while and then I got sucked into my new issue of Cooking Light. I also had a really bad headache so getting off the couch didn't seem too attractice to me. It's mostly gone now, at least it's down to a dull roar rather than a sharp pounding.

I'm still planning to get my hair cut, hopefully sometime this week. Genie tried her best to get me to whack it all off this weekend but I figured I'd better give Kevin fair warning first. I'm not going to cut it really short, but I'll cut at least 10" and send it to Locks of Love.

OK, been yammering on long enough. Ciao!
