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My Muse must be on a coffee break

Friday, Nov. 01, 2002
12:48 PM

Yes, I know... I haven't updated in a while. I know, I'm lame. I just haven't been inspired at all the past week or two. Not for writing, not for mosaics, not for anything except curling up on the couch. Maybe it's the weather. More likely it's just the way creativity comes and goes in waves - at least, it does for me. I know if I just wait it out, everything will be fine. I just don't have that long to wait. I was accepted into the Herndon Holiday Arts and Crafts show, which takes place exactly one month from today. This means I should be in my studio, cranking out stock. But this is why I'd rather work on commission. Cranking stuff out just to have a lot to sell is not what I want to be doing. Sigh. It's hard being creative for a living.

Anyway, enough whining. I have at least had fun the past couple of weeks - have gotten to hang out with friends on several occasions, looking forward to more. We're heading to Crown this weekend, which should be fun as well as interesting. I'm helping with the A&S competition, have managed to round up some judges (but need more! hint, hint to you A&S type folks out there) and will be judging as well. Other than that, I will just be hanging out and trying to stay warm.

I should probably go and get something done. The house needs a little tidying, I have some garb to work on for Denise (oddly, my sewing commissions are paying me more than my mosaic stuff at the moment... sigh) and I need to gather and pack stuff for the event tomorrow. Sorry this is not a long entry - there's either nothing to talk about or way too much. I'd rather not start down the slippery slope!

See y'all tomorrow. Ciao!
