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Thursday, Jan. 06, 2005
4:39 PM

Yet another looong time between updates. You'd think I've been busy or something.

Here's a rundown on my recent life (cause I'm still busy):
- been working lots at my part time (ha!) job
- had lovely Christmas with family; niece still very cute
- promptly got sick and spent my week's vacation practically face down on the couch, worst head cold EVER
- rockin New Year's party with the CT, had that sexy gravelly voice because, well, there has to be some benefit to having sinuses from hell
- had in-laws over on New Year's Day for belated Christmas
- finished my first ever knitted sock! (purposely) didn't pay attention to gauge so it fits Kevin rather than me =)
- won't be wearing anything new at Twelfth Night (see above regarding illness and couch)
- will be taking my first apprentice at Twelfth Night! Everybody come witness the ceremony

Them's the highlights, I have to now go and attack the mountain of dishes in my sink. I promise I'll finish the Italy trip soon. *sigh*

