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Random thoughts

Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2004
9:43 PM

The worst part of having a four-and-a-half day weekend is going back to work. Ugh. Managed to control the Fist of Death today, though just barely. Bosslady implied that I had deleted something I wasn't supposed to, when in reality it was right there in front of her face, almost literally. I don't mind taking my lumps when I do screw up, but am not in the mood to put up with crap when I haven't. Really wishing I could quit but I just can't afford to yet. I like having money.

The table project is darn close to being done. Naturally, I ran out of blue tile mere inches from finishing. I've ordered more but it'll take probably about a week to get here. I can do some of the grouting in the meantime, but it's somewhat frustrating. Oh well, the end is in sight. I'm pretty pleased with the way it's turning out, let's hope my client is too. I am trying not to think about how much I should be charging for this as opposed to how much I actually am charging. Lessons learned...

We're getting down to the little details of the wedding planning, approximately six weeks to go! I'll admit to feeling something like that desire to chuck it all and go elope the other night, which I'm sure most people do at some point in the process, but I knew at the time that the reasons for that feeling were trivial, temporary and hormonal in nature (well, OK, it was hindsight for the hormonal aspect). I've chilled since then and I know everything's going to work out fine. I will confess that I'm kind of looking forward to the wedding being over, so I can have some free time to not spend on addressing invitations or trying to get hold of vendors or whatever. It will also be nice to have a conversation with my mom that is not largely about wedding stuff. Now that I have caused Bera to have second thoughts ;-), let me say that I am really looking forward to the big day, when all the hard work and big decisions will pay off and we can have a big party with our family and friends.

I gotta get my taxes done. I always intend, every year, to do them right after I get my W2s in the mail. And yet, I always wait until the end of March, if not later. If it were just the W2s it wouldn't be that bad because I use TurboTax - but add in all the business stuff and it kinda sucks. I'm always hoping that I've understood everything and that I won't get audited or something stupid like that. I need to sit down and plow throught that this weekend, just the thing I want to be doing when the weather's finally going to be nice.

Guess I have blathered on long enough. Ciao!
