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Nobody out-crazies Ophelia!

Monday, Jan. 13, 2003
6:26 PM

Back from Twelfth Night... one word: whew. Don't get me wrong, we had a good time - I'm just wiped from the weekend and the week before. I've gotten very little done today and while part of me feels kind of guilty about that, I think I really have just needed to rest and recharge my batteries (to steal a phrase from Dame Anne).

(I'm watching the Simpsons version of the Odyssey. It's a hoot.)

I haven't been a complete slacker today - I cleaned up the kitchen, did a little tidying in the living room and some vacuuming. Nothing's perfect, but it's better and I have at least accomplished something. I did some reading on the couch as well as some web surfing. I have a lot to do this week but I really needed a day to chill.

(Now it's the Simpsons version of Joan of Arc. Very silly.)

I have a commission I need to get done by the end of the week, plus I need to prepare for my first mosaic class on Friday and get ready for my sister's baby shower on Sunday. I'm helping host it (though not at my house) and I'm organizing the food. I had hoped to get down to my parents' place this week to install the blasted backsplash, but probably will have to do that next week so that I can get the commission done. I have the appointment with the oral surgeon tomorrow plus I need to go over to Shannon's at some point and use her dryer to get all my laundry done! Our dryer is on the fritz and I don't know exactly what's wrong with it yet. Could just be a blocked vent, but it could also be the heating coil or the thermostat. *sigh* Too many things breaking around here...

(Simpsons version of Hamlet. "You're not supposed to hear me. That's a soliloquy." "Oh yeah? Well, here's my soliloquy: Note to self. Kill that kid.")

Anyway, we had a nice time at Twelfth Night. I finished the lacing holes in Kevin's doublet/tunic (which I still haven't figured out the Italian name for) on the trip down. I can pretty much say that the main theme of the day for us was seeing friends and socializing. There weren't really many highs or lows for me, mostly just things that were good and a couple that were slightly less than good.

Good: Seeing friends, hanging out, catching up.
Less than Good: Missing a couple of friends - either folks who couldn't make it or folks who were there but otherwise busy or just missed in passing.

Good: Finishing Kevin's new garb, and him liking it and being comfortable in it. A couple of people gave me nice compliments on it.
Less than Good: Other people making fun of it all day. I realize that guys like to make fun of their buddies, but by the end of the day it was getting old. The "reservoir tip" comments about the hat, while maybe apropos, were annoying.

Good: Fun dinner companions! Kenny & Tonwen, Tristan & Lisette and Miguel, Violante and little Jessica, who literally has a taste for glass pearls.
Less than Good: Feast itself. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad. I've had bad feasts (who hasn't?), and this was really more just underwhelming. Though the crackers with cream cheese and smoked salmon didn't suck.

Good: Hanging out with many folks at the hotel afterward.
Less than Good: The appearance of early Pictish Slim Jim guy at about 1 am. That pretty much ended the night for me. I don't know the guy at all and I'm told he really knows his stuff. However, on both occasions I've been in the near vicinity, he's been very loud and bordering on obnoxious. I was tired so I figured it was just time to go to bed.

I must say, Gen and Alan were lovely roomies and we had a good time with them. Breakfast Sunday morning was nice and leisurely, then we headed over to the park for fighter practice. We hung out there for a while until our feet were blocks of ice and then we headed for home. The drive home was long, and though we talked a lot and had good conversation, we were both exhausted by the time we got home. Both of us had an icky stomach feeling and my teeth hurt for some reason. I thought maybe I was fighting off a cold on top of that, but really we both just needed sleep. Felt much better this morning.

Well, I'm hungry so I'm going to go find some soupy goodness for dinner.

