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Mythological and grammatical nitpicking

Friday, Dec. 06, 2002
3:44 PM

Yesterday was nice, watching the snow come down and sitting by the fire all day. However, snow days are not nearly as much fun when you work at home anyway. Not that I've gotten much done this week, but that's another gripe and I don't feel like whining about it. My energy and motivation seem to come and go in waves and I'm sure it will be on the upswing soon. I have some projects lined up, I'm just waiting for materials to arrive so I can start. I can do the prep work beforehand, so I'll be all set.

I have been waffling on going to Unevent for a while but decided a few days ago to stay home. I don't really have to go for any reason, although I could go for two meetings. (Technically three but since two of them are scheduled for the same time, and I haven't figured out how to be in two places at once yet, that kind of limits things.) I just can't get excited about driving three hours in the cold and leftover snow for meetings that I'm not required to attend. It's just as well, I woke up this morning with a sore throat and it's not going away so I'm probably coming down with a cold. Bleah.

However, we are going to get our Christmas tree tomorrow. In years past we have put up the gi-normous fake tree with pre-strung lights - unfortunately, our new house will not accommodate a 9-foot tree like the old house did. Fortunately, every year Kevin's real estate agent hosts a Christmas tree party where all his clients get to pick and cut a tree, for free! I love having a real tree in the house (I know, how environmentally insensitive of me), even though they're a pain, they smell really good and it's the smell almost more than anything that gets me in the Christmas spirit. I have no idea where we're going to put it though.

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by !

Um, I feel the need to point out that "Erinyes" is plural. I don't know what the singular form would be, but it translates to "Furies", so maybe I'm a Fury? Sounds pretty cool, but not me. I get more annoyed than furious. Oh well. Having the ability to follow people around and torment them for the rest of their lives could come in handy some day.

